We are quickly approaching Season 2’s launch on Gamefound and I recently posted an in-depth look at the expanded solo offering. The TLDR version is that we will be offering a Solo Expansion that expands on the solo mode in the base game. This expansion will include a new solo base deck and Automa cards that work with every case released thus far (including the new Season 2 cases). If you want to get into the nitty gritty of the rules, check out the update over on Gamefound. Otherwise, here’s a quick overview:

Each Automa opponent will be made up of 3 cards (double sided). The Questioning/Victory effects card is case and side specific (note the Prosecution P on it) and will focus on effects/mechanics unique to each case. The Discovery card gives you special drafting conditions for that phase. Passing conditions for the Trial are on the other side. Last but not least, we have the personality card which gives the Automa a special sidebar action/ability along with some Decisions/Strategies around how the Automa sways/calls witnesses on the back. Many of these cards will not be case-specific so you can mix/match and create unique Automa challenges. These cards are combined with a new Solo base deck that mimics the base prosecution/defense decks of the core game:

Hopefully that gets many of the solo players out there excited for this expansion. We’re looking forward to a fun ride next month on Gamefound. Remember to follow the project so you can get $5 credit towards your pledge.
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