Rules questions: Please post them in the appropriate forum on BoardGameGeek. There are a lot of fans out there that beat us to the answers, but we are subscribed to all of our games and post answers promptly.
Retailers: If you would like to stock our released games, click here. If you want to be added to our retailer mailing list, you can signup here. If you have any questions or want to contact us directly, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the form below. Remember to include your company name and the country your business is based in so I can get back to you with the right information as quickly as possible.
Reviewers, Content Creators & Media: Please make sure that you’re signed up to our Press Email list here if you’re interested in learning about and reviewing upcoming games. We send out emails requesting reviews a few months before we have a new game launch on Kickstarter or release to stores. Feel free to contact us directly using the form below if those things don’t cover it.
Customer Service Issues
Kickstarter Backers: If you’re a backer on Kickstarter and have any issues with your pledge, pledge manager, shipping address, etc you may use the Kickstarter messaging service to get in contact with us or open a support ticket.
Replacement Parts: Please check out our replacement parts page. You can also open a support ticket.