Funny how I forgot to mention my own Kickstarter on my own website…
Don’t let your paranoia and hysteria set in quite yet…save that for when an Old One is staring down at you. As this campaign approaches it’s final week, find out what all the fun is all about and check out some of the more than 10 unlocked stretch goals we’ve toppled during the campaign. Including two more Apocalyptic Scenarios, promo characters, new map tiles and more. Are you ready to face the mystical Yokai? Can you stop the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse? Don’t miss out on this expansion, it’s nearly as big as the original game and there are a lot more goodies to come. New Stretch Goals are being unveiled every weekday!
My guess is that most people that check our website already know about the campaign, but I still should have posted about it sooner. My plan is to actually blog more regularly especially with everything that we have in the works. Making games is just more fun than blogging so updating the website takes a backseat. I’ll work on a schedule that forces me to do it more. There is actually quite a lot to talk about once this Kickstarter campaign is behind us.
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