If you were interested in our dive into Kickstarter referral metrics, we inspired a much more indepth post by the Crowdfunding Nerds about the topic over here. The article does a great job expanding on what the referral metrics mean and why you should care about all this when marketing your game. TLDR: In my post, I posited that creators are responsible for somewhere between 50-70% of the backers/funding they receive on Kickstarter. The Crowdfunding Nerds looked at 4 campaigns from 4 different companies and came up with a pretty definitive 60/40 split when adjusting/averaging all the metrics:

I think it’s clearer than ever that creators are driving the majority of backers to their content/project etc. Make sure you have a great marketing plan, bring your own crowd and are ready to launch before you hit that button. It’s great that Kickstarter can boost your crowd +40% but don’t count on them to fund your campaign.
Happy Holidays everyone!
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